Mass data collection
Mass data collection
Aerial photographing
Aerial images
Our technology enables us to take aerial surveying images with wide scale of features. We can offer spatial definition of 2 cm, spectral resolution of PAN, R, G, B, NIR and color depth of up to 16 bits. High value of overlap (more than 80%) gives our images another dimension and widens range of their use.
As for the data purposes and usage there is important time in which images are taken, that is why we perform aerial photographing both within and beyond growing season. For special purposes we are able to collect data during winter (concerning for example warmth leak) or during night (such as light pollution measuring).
Thanks to the combination of available individual features, we are able to meet various needs and requirements of our customers.
Orthophotomap is currently the most significant and instrumental product of aerial photogrammetry. It concerns large scale of aerial images placed in convergent system and complemented by altimetry data (perpendicular projection of a terrain into plain). Thanks to its true and comprehensible conception of a landscape, information value and capturing of details orthophotomap presents unique map documentation and information source.
We can provide issuing of orthophotomaps with various features (spatial definition, colored version, bit depth and so on) and in various formats, such as TIFF, JPG, ECW, WMS, WMTS in order that the map complies with customers’ needs and intended usage.
True orthophotomap is a product which becomes more and more popular. Due to the new computing programming instruments, it is developing into another high quality and available product of digital photogrammetry. As fundamental feature it is considered its orthogonal (perpendicular) projection of all objects which eliminates hidden spots. A good quality orthophotomap requires images with necessary overlaps and up to date programming tools for computing of digital surface which presents elementary source of detail and exactness.
Historical orthophotomap
There are many organizations who possess extensive of non-processed historical aerial images in analogue form. With the help of our photogrammetric scanners, we can remake individual images or all archives into digital form and applying methods of aerial digital photogrammetry we are able to create products tailor-made to our customer’s requirements (orthophotomaps, terrain and surface models, 3D maps).
Archive images presents unique picture information which can be used for landscape analysis, life environment improvement or other activity.
3D town models
We are able to remake aerial survey images into 3D models of objects, buildings and whole towns with various scope of detail and preciseness. For the most exact 3D town models we employ the method of 3D stereoscopy. These models are characterized by vector representation in various data forms such as DGN, DWG, SHP, cityGML, etc.
Another way of making 3D models of towns is using autocorrelation methods and algorithms. Time demand of these automatically formed models is incomparably lower but they are not so geometrical precise and of such a good quality.
3D town become more and more useful in zone planning and architecture.
Digital terrain model is a terrestrial model without buildings, trees or other objects processed in digital form. It is possible to create such a model in a different level of exactness and detail with the help of methods of stereoscopy over aerial survey images through combination of break lines and mass points or point clouds received by aerial LIDAR technology.
Digital model of surface (DSM) pictures a terrestrial surface inclusive of all objects placed there (for example vegetation or buildings) issued in digital form. It is created either by either automatic methods over aerial survey images or through point clouds acquired by aerial LIDAR technology.
The models can be represented by the form of contour lines, obligatory edges and points, triangle networks (TIN), point clouds, MESH, GRID in different 3D forms.
Photogrammetric mapping
Using 3D stereoscopy over aerial survey images we achieve topographic and altimetric data. Complying with customers’ needs and requirements we map given territory or update existing data. Using high-definition images (5cm at most) it is possible to map features on 1:500 scale with best possible accuracy (2nd or 3rd class accuracy guaranteed). Resulting map data are passed through data model structure in formats required by a customer.
Photogrammetric mapping due to its exactness and time efficiency presents the most convenient method of larger territorial units mapping.
In order to monitor and record surficial temperature of measured objects there is applied thermo-visual imaging. Since we have integrated thermal sensors into our airplanes and applied aerial systems, the aerial digital photogrammetry allows us create thermal maps and thermo-visual diagnostics with geo-spatial aspect.
Acquired output serves as reference material for analysis concerning state of repair of linear engineering constructions such as gas and product pipelines, road network and so on as well as for analysis of life environment of towns and large agglomerations.
Aerial laser scanning
Another method how to get geo-spatial territory images brings aerial laser scanning. Exact altimetric data of given territory are registered in forms of point clouds. Basic parameters such as density and exactness of point clouds are determined by applied apparatus and flight quality and bring resulting values up to tens of points per square meter and exactness up to centimeters.
Acquired data allow to classify resulting point cloud into groups based on usage purpose and customers’ requirement.
Mobile mapping system
Mobile mapping system is another method in our portfolio allowing mass data collecting. With the help of laser scans and spheric cameras placed on a vehicle we acquire detailed and exact spatial model of the real world in the form of point clouds and spheric photographs.
Our mobile map system RIEGL VMX-2HA belongs among the most current most up-to-date mobile mapping systems.
- mapping – geodetic topographic and altimetric measuring
- road surface diagnostics
- cubature computing
- etc.
Point cloud
Point cloud density acquired through mobile mapping system varies from hundreds to thousands of points per square meter. Measured surface preciseness goes in millimeters and it is possible to reach the geometric exactness of spatial coordinates in coordinate system within centimeters. Point clouds present data source for following processing.
Panoramic photography
Panoramic images acquired by the mobile map system complements a point cloud by other picture information serving for mapping or object identification and are also used as a supplement for technical specification agenda. Point cloud exactness allows the panoramic images to be geo-referenced and used as comprehensible and precise source of spatial coordinates.
Static scan
Static laser scan is a tool allowing the most detailed, exact and speedy way to capture a situation or an object. Dense and exact point cloud and high-definition image are ideal materials for creating geodetic surveys and construction technical specifications documents.
This contactless method allows us to survey objects at a quite long distance.
- geodetic topographic and altimetric survey
- construction documentation (interiors, exteriors)
- development recording
- etc.