Geographic information system

Geographic information system

Desktop applications of ArcGIS

Applications built as an extension of ArcGIS Desktop products by company of ESRI or closely connected with these products or using some of their components. These applications have their own user interface, rich functionality and pleasant environment. They support work with all data formats and ways of data storage provided and supported by the company of ESRI.


Spirit DTM

An application intended for acquiring of complete proceedings of data update in digital technical maps of regional districts and municipalities. It is integrated as a tool bar extension of ArcGIS Desktop.

Individual tools guide a user intuitively through the whole process of data update processing from data output, over checking to prepping for integration and recording into data store of DTM.

It is commonplace for users to be allowed to configure tools based on their momentary needs. All executed operations are logged in and all individual steps can be followed by users in graphic form.

Spirit ÚAP

Desktop application of Spirit ÚAP is focused on administration and recording landscape analytic data for which the application provides tools for complex agenda of ÚAP.

Spirit ÚAP allows for contractor authorities to record received data from providers, update data store of ÚAP or create statistic output for documentation of ÚAP (RURU, SWOT).


Spirit Export / Spirit Import

Arbitrary spatial data on the output and rich configuration for ensuring desired structure of the output data. Choice of output format, setting of distribution or structure based on a particular user’s requirement. It defines Spirit Export. With the help of modifiable templates, users can export by a click.

Spirit Manager of data storage

Have you got lost during administration of data stores in domains and feature classification? Where is such a feature saved and how to set this or that? The data store manager provides you complete track of data stores, up-to-date data models including data models modifications preview.

Interactive user interface brings for you intuitively quick track of administered data store from A to Z.


Spirit RÚIAN / Spirit VFK / Spirit KN

Spirit RÚIAN serves for import of selected data from public database of territorial identification of address and estates RÚIAN into spatial geodatabase. The application enables us to execute onetime or daily automatic data update.

Spirit VFK serves to transfer data from cadaster in the exchange format VFK into random geodatabase. Output database contains tables with cadaster information system (ISKN) data and layers ready for preview or publishing cadaster (KN) data through symbology of digital cadaster maps (DKM).

Spirit KN is an application designed to work with cadaster data. It consists of two applications. The former, Spirit VFK Light is used for exchange format VFK data import to geodatabase. The latter application, Spirit KN, serves for extracting of tables, cadaster (KN) configurations and identification of parcels and buildings in the map.

Desktop applications of Bentley and OpenDesign


Desktop application as an extension of Microstation programs by Bentley and also independent applications working with libraries of OpenDesign and fully compatible with CAD drawing formats especially DGN a DWG.

Spirit Check CAD

An application for checking CAD drawing files. Features distribution, used entities, fonts, required topological processing. This checking instrument perform thorough and complex examination of drawings.

Examinations are scalable, as a feature integrated within the application database. Users are enabled to define their own templates for optimal end efficient form of required examinations.

The app uses the platform of OpenDesign and is independent of Bentley licenses.


Spirit TI CAD

Set of tools which serves for preparation and processing of geodetically acquired data of technical infrastructure into a form required by digital technical maps.

Either duct, sewerage or street lights data are concerned, the available tools monitor and check the correct distortion of individual features, ascribing features of compound objects, features evaluation by attribute information such as dimension, material and so on.

The tools evaluate everything properly and guarantee the quality of output processing for DTM.

Spirit Buildings 3D

An application used to generate 3D building models based on topographic data (buildings perimeter) and assessed roof covers, dormer-windows and extensions (chimneys, air-conditioning and so on).

The application imports data concerning buildings, recognizes and process their state of repair, forms and joins individual parts into 3D object of a building. As expected an integral part of the tool is evaluation feature inclusive of error indicator, navigator through a building drawing and other instruments.

Spirit Buildings 3D is a part of a processor line intended for creating 3D building objects.


Spirit land consolidation

This application is made up of several independent programs whose functionality facilitates processing of drawing elements and connected elaborations within land consolidation designs.

Comparing configuration – serves for creation of cadaster record distorted restoration drawing, forming of comparison apparatus configuration, generating of modification VFK restoration file and generating resulting DGN restoration drawing involving list of coordinates.

Table appendix – used for example for generating of first appendix tables needed for 1st ruling. Based on input files there are generated appendix tables including 4 other types of modifications.

Web map getaway

Ucelená portálová řešení jako produkty pro koncového zákazníka. Provádíme námi navržená řešení i řešení na míru. Zajišťujeme kompletní práce od návrhu portálu, přes jeho vývoj, implementaci a nasazení do provozu, až po zaškolení uživatelů a zajištění bezproblémového chodu portálu.


DTM getaway

Portal solution of digital technical maps of reginal districts and municipalities. This solution provides large scale of tools needed for DTM users.

Among the main instruments there are commissions evidence used for communication and transfer of data between administrator of DTM and processors of geodetic documentation then an online tool for examination of update data output, map client with updated data of DTM and other instruments such as summaries, statistics, managerial DTM processes monitoring and so on.

Along with the application of Spirt DTM and data storage there are available complex app tools for administration, maintenance and running of DTM.

Specifications getaway

Web solution for complex administration and maintenance of any technical specifications recordings. As the main advantage can be considered that you can overview, work and administrate data – all within an environment of the web.

There is no need to install anything on your computers. All necessary tools are comfortably accessible through a classic web site. Any user can share the updated information.

The very application is divided into two whole parts – table evidence and map client. Both parts are connected. The app enables to take any technical specifications recording such as municipal street furniture, green vegetation, street lights, sewerage, roads, camera system and many others.


KN getaway

Web application intended for evidence and maintenance of cadaster data within a regional district or municipality.

The very getaway is conceptually divided into two more or less independent parts - – agenda (tables) and map client. The former serves for searching of objects and subjects in the land register.

The latter, map client, shows interactive form of cadaster data and enables visual bond with table data of individual agendas.

ÚAP getaway

Portal solution for publishing ad complex overview of data land analytical documentation and zone planning.

The application interconnects the individual outputs and ensure comfortable and quick search and confirmation of needed information.


Web aplications


Independent web applications that can be integrated into any getaway solution. It concerns for example applications intended for overview and administration of a specific geodata, specialized apps for checking phenomenon rate in given territory or apps for support of web map services in progress and others.

Spirit Panorama

Web application used for overview and listing through panoramic images taken over mobile laser scanning. The app is made similarly to the known ‘Panorama’ within the server

Moreover, it enables measuring of coordinates, distances and places in images, recording of own drawings and other functions. Thanks to the technology of mobile laser scan our company is able to offer regular update of panoramic images.



A universal application intended for finding and recording a certain phenomenon within given territory. Its universality lies in choosing a topic of your own choice within the list of standard map services in the application configuration.

Choice of territory is made in a map window or through attribute information (estate, cadastral land, municipality…).

Underground services existence

An application used for generating of a request to confirm officially underground utilities existence in any given territory. If there is available an information for given territory concerning technical structure administrators or utilities placement data, the app just identifies involved administrators.

Users are provided well-arranged list of administrators who it may concern. In case of existence of a deal between the user of the system in which the buried services application is used and the services keeper, the app provides direct connection to the keeper’s system who is sent the request for online confirmation of the services existence.


Spirit Cloud

Compact modular portal solution suitable especially for municipalities. The main point of this application is presentation and administration of geodata. It concerns especially map application providing tools for administration of own technical specifications and other website instruments.

The application is built as website getaway run on the side of the supplier with assurance of full user access on the side of a client.

Database is fully managed by the supplier, a client doesn’t have to take care of operation interface, data stores, server operation and can be fully focused on exploitation of the service at their disposal which can be configured as they like.

The solution can be scaled according to customers’ requirements and wishes in order that the whole implementation suited their own concept. The application is accessible from website over standard browsers. There is no need to install anything.


Data works


Good quality data are integral part of any sophisticated solution. We ensure all various works with geodata as for the volume of processed data, their quality and their types and parameters.

Intelligent data saving is realized through data stores which are completely designed, administered, maintained and smoothly operated by us. Significant part of the intelligent data storing is also design, implementation and administration of data models.

Data consolidation

What is data consolidation? It is a process of integration of several data sources into one complex output. The service lies in detailed analysis of input data sources, proposal of the most suitable way of data consolidation with regard to an efficiency and required quality of consolidation data output.

The data consolidation result can be for example database file or seamless map. Our company is able to perform data consolidation of all kinds whereas we are well-versed in providing deeply detailed geodetic data of high quality.


Data remake

Mostly we deal with data remake for purposes of territorial analytic documentation where we perform remake of various structure data from different providers into uniformed structure of data store. In this way we can remake data of any kind.

After detailed data analysis we propose efficient way of data processing and output file structure custom made for our clients. Afterwards we perform data remake which is then passed to the customers for final inspection.

Design and maintaining of data models

It is a kind of analytic activity connected with practices used during design, administration and maintenance of data models. We design, build and implement data models tailor-made in order to be convenient for easy and adequate data keeping and first of all with regard to used application tools of a client who works with the data.

While administrating data models we use the application called Spirit Manager of data stores thanks to which the performer as well as the client can keep complete track of data models and full access to them.


Design and upkeeping of data stores

Design of own database including implementation of data model made by us or another company. While maintaining data models we use the application of Spirit Manager of data stores.

We ensure complete administration of data stores from design to physical implementation and maintenance in order to guarantee smooth and impeccable run of data stores.

Data stores are seen as one of elementary technological layers of information systems and with this regard we approach them with adequate carefulness.

Analytical and guidance activities

All provided services, products and solutions are supported by complex analytical and counsel activities. We can build on our deep experience, knowledge and awareness of needs of our customers and large scale of projects we have already realized.

Whether you need digital technical map solution, technical specification evidence, getaway of territorial analytical material (ÚAP) or another sphere of our activities feel free to turn to us.